Episerver Content Management Systen

Getting Access

To get access to edit in the Arla Ecosystem you will need to either work at Arla Foods or be working as an agency with Arla or any of the brands owned by Arla Foods Amba.

To get access, you need to follow the below flow

Send the email to: ITSD@arlafoods.com and  arla-access@knowit.dk

In the email, write the name and email of the person who needs editing access and specify that this task needs to be assigned to Knowit-support group.

Furthermore, state which website the login is required for and for what market(s). If you need access to multiple markets and/or multiple websites, please add this information as shown below with one line for each platform with multiple language versions added as the final part of the sentence:

If you are not and Arla-employee, you must also include your Arla-contact in CC to the email to show that your access to edit has been approved.

How to login

Access to our web content management systems is connected to Arla Active Directory. Please note access will only be allowed to email addresses belonging to a corporate email. Access via eg. @gmail or similar is not permitted due to data governance.

In order to login to EpiServer CMS, two steps are required: 

  1. Acces the CMS through your browser – i.e. https://edit.arla.com/cms/ for the global .com platform, and
  2. Enter your Arla Active Directory credentials.

Both the login for the platform as well as username and password will be provided as part of the creation of an editor account (see more below).

What if log in was not successful?

If you are unable to access the CMS with your Arla AD (Microsoft) login, the explanation can be that

  1. you are logged into the wrong Microsoft account, or
  2. you don't have access rights to the system.

Please contact us on ITSD@arlafoods.com with Hans.Skov@knowit.dk; Mridul.Sethia@knowit.dk on CC to get help resolving the issue.

How to verify your Microsoft account 

(in case of problems)

In order to access the CMS, you must be logged into your Microsoft account in your browser. So, verify that you are indeed logged in – and that it is the correct account. 

Open any website which requires your Microsoft login – for example Office 365 Login | Microsoft Office – and check the top right corner. Is it the right account? 

If the account it wrong: Log out and log in again with the right account. Head back to the CMS page, clear cookies (or open in Incognito mode) and try to log-in again. 

If the account is right? Then contact us on ITSD@arlafoods.com and include Hans.Skov@knowit.dk; Mridul.Sethia@knowit.dk on CC.